Introducing Smart Banners

  • Updated

Create beautiful, optimized smart banners using your product reviews. Use pre-designed templates, choose your best reviews, and customize your banners to fit your brand's look and feel. Share these banners on your website, social media, and in your marketing campaigns. Follow this guide to learn how to create and share smart banners.

Key Notes:


In This Guide

Creating a Smart Banner

  1. Go to Marketing - Smart Banners and click on "Create Banner"
  2. Choose between 3 pre-defined layouts or create your own custom template


  3. Choose between 3 pre-defined designs
  4. Click "Choose a review", then search for and select the review you want to feature
  5. Update the review's attributes (retrieved from the review's information) as needed:

    Title: Review Title
    Body: Review Body
    Background Image: Product Image, Customer Photo, or Custom Image URL
    Avatar Image: Reviewer's avatar
    Author: Reviewer's name
    Location: Reviewer's country

  6. Once you're happy with how your banner looks, click "Create Banner"
  7. Enter a banner name and redirect URL (i.e. customers will be redirected to this URL when they click on it), then click "Create"

Further Customizations - Drag & Drop, Layers and Controls

There are three main functions in the Smart Banner - Customize section where you can further customize your banners to fit your brand's look and feel.

Drag & Drop

You can drag and drop banner elements to reposition them wherever you'd like. You can also resize or rotate banner elements by selecting and adjusting their containers.


Each banner element has its own layer. You can add new layers by clicking "Add" in the top right.


 There are 4 elements you can choose from: rectangle, text, image rectangle, and image circle.


You can also remove elements by clicking the "X" for each respective layer.


You can control the attributes of each banner layer that are applicable to that element, such as width, height, font family, and font size.


Creating a Custom Banner Template

If you created a custom template and want to save it as a default template, click "Save as New Template" once you've finished customizing your banner.


Once your newly created template has been saved, it will show up in your list of custom templates.


Sharing Banners

Learn how to share your banners on social media by following the guide here.

Viewing All Banners

You can view all your smart banners in Marketing - Smart Banners.


Click on the individual banners to get redirected to the share page, as explained in the guide to Sharing Banners on Social Media. You can also copy the URL for each individual banner to share them.

To delete a banner, click on the trash can icon on the right.

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